4 Lessons on how to Lose a Team

by | Sep 4, 2016


We have all seen it.

Whether it’s on the field or in the meeting room, a great team is a wonderful thing to behold. A great team can make each individual better. They lift each other up. A great team can accomplish wonderful things together. Great sales. Records. Winning.

Unfortunately, we have all seen it.

When a team is not really a team, the opposite happens. The group can spiral out of control. Each team member gets more and more frustrated. The team gets worse. And ultimately, the entire team can give up. But don’t blame the players…it’s a leadership problem. So, if you are a leader, here are some lessons on what to do if you want to “lose your team” and mail in your results.

Don’t worry about the basics: It is easy as a leader to assume that your team knows the “101” of what you are trying to accomplish. But’s a bad idea to assume. The best teachers and leaders spend time on the basics a lot! You don’t want your team to “know” what to do. You want them to “feel” what to do. That comes with repetition.

Split the “Good” from the “Bad”: If you want a cohesive unit as a team, you have treat them like it. If you constantly separate them and don’t have them work together, then everyone learns who is good enough to trust…and who is not.

Don’t Spend Time on Development: A great leader spends time with each member of her team to show them what “winning” looks like for them. What do they need to do more of? What do they need to do less? How do they get better? If your team doesn’t know what you want from them, they can’t give it to you.

Don’t let everyone participate: If each member of your team doesn’t know how they are helping your team, that’s a problem. You need to get each team member to get repetitions if you want them to get better and feel they are a part of the unit. If you have a sales company, take them with you on sales calls. If you are basketball coach, get them minutes. You need to make sure your team is deep with talent so that when you need to call on them, you can.

So if you are a leader and you feel the team is not measuring up, make sure you are not committing these leadership crimes. Build a vision. Create your goals. Now help each member of the team help you get there!

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