Delivering Marketing Joy with Dana Zezzo

by | Feb 24, 2016

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Every once in a while we get to learn from something big that just happened.  We get in early so we can talk to the person involved…so we can get great lessons.  This happened for today’s Delivering Marketing Joy with Dana Zezzo!

Dana Zezzo is one of the most well known people in the Promotional Products industry.  He is a social media leader, speaker, and all around influencer.  So when he very recently made a career change, it made a splash in the industry.  Dana recently left Primeline/Jetline and went to Imagen Brands (Vitronic and Crown).  Today I got the chance to catch up with Dana to discuss what the changes have done to re-invigorate him.

You can see this episode in it’s entirety here.

We also had the chance to chat about Personal Branding.  As you will see, Dana explains that his personal brand (and his work on that) has given him the opportunities he’s had in his career.  My favorite lesson is how, over time, Dana spent just a little time each day to grow his network.  His rule was that he never went to bed without making at least five connections.  You can see how that manageable effort can grow a big (and influential) network over time.

This is a great episode of Delivering Marketing Joy!  Want to listen to the Podcast?  You can do that here. 

So your homework assignment is, make the effort of connecting and building your network over time!

Of course you can make sure you never miss an episode of Delivering Marketing Joy by Subscribing to my Youtube Channel here.  Thanks for watching…and let me know what you think!

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