Talkers versus Do-ers

by | Mar 1, 2016


Most organizations, regardless of goals or organizational makeup, have lots of different types of people.  They should.  You might have:

  1.  Dreamers
  2. Planners
  3. Organizers
  5. Leaders

You get the idea.

That diverse mix of individuals are often very important to the overall success of the mission.  But these types of people can also be further broken down into two more sections:

  1. Talkers
  2. Do-ers

Talkers spend a great time telling you what they think you should do, or what they should do, or what the organization should (or even could) do.  Talkers (in my experience) also tend to spend a great time telling people what they should NOT do.  The problem with talkers is there is one thing they don’t spend a lot of time on…doing.

The other thing that talkers tend to do is alienate the do-ers.

It’s important to plan.  It’s important to create process.  But it’s also vital to remember that nothing happens until something happens.  If you get too many talkers in the way of do-ers…they stop doing.

If you have do-ers in your organization, get out of their way.  Let them “do.”

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