5 Lessons from John Lee Dumas

by | Mar 31, 2016


If you have never heard of John Lee Dumas, then today you are in for a treat!  JLD is the creator and founder of Entrepreneur on Fire.  John interviews a different entrepreneur on his Podcast EVERY SINGLE Day!  That’s right…every day!  John is a ball of energy and a source of inspiration for FIRE Nation.  He brings several awesome business lessons that you and I can learn…so let’s dig it!

Listen to the PODCAST here!

Create Content:  You have seen me say this before…you are a media company!  What do media companies do?  They create content.  They tell stories.  You have to have the courage to create content!  JLD does this every single day!  This leads nicely to…

Be Consistent:  This is one of the most important lessons (I think) that JLD has to teach us.  He creates a new podcast every single day.  That means his audience knows that they can count on him to entertain and inspire consistently.  They don’t have to guess.  They don’t have to wonder.  He builds credibility and trust with his audience because he is consistent.  He talks about this in my interview with him on Youtube.  Watch that here.

Share Platforms:  One of the things that makes JLD’s podcast genius is that he shares platforms.  Each day he interviews another Entrepreneur around the country (or around the world) that is going to be interesting…and be willing to share his content!  He is sharing audiences and sharing platforms.  Both parties are willing and excited to help each other.  This kind of synergy is both good karma…and good business.

Fill a Hole In the Market:  Before he was the King of Podcasters, JLD was in Real Estate.  He was listening to podcasts to inspire and motivate him.  But there were not enough of them.  He wanted to listen every day, but no one was doing that.  He knew it would be a huge undertaking, but he decided to fill that hole.    By doing so he became the expert in podcasting!

Solve Their Problem: The other lesson that I think is great is the once John created an audience, he leveraged it.  He authentically reached out to his audience and asked them what their pain points were.  When they answered him, he created products and information to help them!  It seems simple, but that is a great place to find revenue!

John Lee Dumas is a great source of inspiration to me and I recommend you subscribe to his content if you want to  “ignite!”  Find his website here.

If you want to listen to this podcast, please do so here.  And it would mean the world to me if you would subscribe on iTunes! 

Thanks for taking the time today!  Let me know how I can provide you more value today!

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