5 Lessons from the Golden State Warriors

by | Apr 15, 2016


The Golden State Warriors just finished the greatest single regular season in NBA history.  In a world of sensationalism and hyperbole, you might think I am exaggerating, but I am not.  They just broke the record for wins, previously held by the Chicago Bulls at 72, by winning their 73rd game the other night.  It is truly a great accomplishment!  So let’s take a look at 5 lessons we can all learn from their fantastic season.

Listen to the Podcast about it here!

Embrace The Journey:  The Warriors started off the season strong.  Right away talk started about whether or not they could break the Bulls record.  All along the way, they did not shy away from the talk about it.  So many times, teams and players will stop that kind of talk.  The Warriors were willing to say “that would be great” all year.  They were willing to embrace the goal and the journey and that made this season all the more fun.

Trust Your Team:  Steph Curry is the most recognized player on Golden State, but they have a real team.  They have multiple players that can step up any given night.  They each play their role so that the team can win.  It’s cliche because it’s true.

Keep Getting Better:  What might be getting lost in this historic season is that Golden State won the championship last year!  Though many young teams might rest after such an accomplishment, they clearly came back this year and wanted to prove it was not a fluke.  Last year they won it all, but yet they might be one of the most improved teams this year.  They stayed hungry.  They kept getting better.  This is hard to do in the face of success and it’s a lesson for all of us.

Understand the Big Picture:  This team certainly celebrated their accomplishment of 73 wins.  But not too much.  They understand that 73 wins is not the ultimate goal.  Their goal is to win the championship.  So though they are excited about the record (and they should be) they know there is still work to do.  The big picture is the ring for them.  What is your big picture goal?  Keep your eyes on the prize!

Go For it!  This might be the most important lesson of all!  As the season started to wind down and it became clear it was going to be close, people started to hedge.  When it wasn’t for sure that they would break the record, LOTS of people told them they should not even try!  This drives me crazy!  Broadcasters, former players, and outsiders told them they “might not get the record, so they should not even try!”  This kind of thinking is what keeps people from reaching their dreams!  If you are reaching for a lofty goal (and if not, why not?) then it will be tough.  That’s the point.  Don’t give up on it just because people tell you that you might not make it.  Go for it!

If you want to listen to this podcast, you can do that here.  And it would mean the world to me if you would subscribe on iTunes! 

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