9 Years of Delivering Marketing Joy

by | Nov 9, 2023

I did the math yesterday…and it was a bit of a milestone.

Yesterday was the 9th anniversary of Delivering #MarketingJoy!  As you may (or may not) know, Delivering #MarketingJoy is my weekly interview show/podcast where I get the chance to interview experts in the marketing and entrepreneurship space, from all over the world.  Each week, I get to sit and have a Masterclass from some of the brightest minds in the space.

Yesterday Was Episode 468

468 divided by 52 = 9.  Yesterday was a great example of the best and the brightest.  Dale Denham, currently President and CEO of PPAI, took time from his busy travel schedule to discuss the upcoming PPAI Expo, his new growing team, and reasons to be optimistic about 2024.  When I consider that someone in his position will answer my call, I am honored.  You can watch that episode here.

It Started With 1

As with any journey, it started with a single step.  My first episode was with a legend in the Branded Merch industry, Mark Graham.  When I think back that he took a chance to come on a show that did not exist, I can’t believe it.  And if you want to take a trip down memory lane to see what was on Mark’s mind, you can watch episode 1 here.

A Few Lessons From Delivering Marketing Joy

When you do a show like this for 9 years, you pick up a few things to do…and not do.  So let me share just a few lessons for those who might want to start a content journey.

Start With 5

When I began Delivering Marketing Joy, I had heard that the average web show never makes it to episode 5.  So I was determined to have 5 in the can before I started.  That turned out to be a great idea.  It allowed me to gain some momentum and get feedback while I looked for new guests and built consistency.  Having a few done will allow you to keep going when you inevitably get swept away by circumstances in life.

Consistency Is Key

This is a simple truth of life.  The things that you are consistent with are the things you will succeed at.  When it comes to creating content, set a date and time that you will post it.  Then stick to it.  Not only does it create a framework for you to do the work, but it creates an opportunity to build trust with the audience.  They will come to know when and where to find the show.  Keep going!

It’s Not What You Can Create…It’s What You Can Recreate

If you want to be consistent, you need to have something you can do over and over again.  So many times I see ambitious creators make amazing videos full of dazzling effects.  They are amazing.  And they usually are only able to do one or two before they flame out.  They just take too much time.  Of course, you want quality.  But if you want to be consistent, you must give yourself permission to hit publish.  That’s why I say “It’s not what you can create.  It’s what you can recreate.”  If you can’t do it over and over again…you can’t be consistent.

Just Ask

If you plan to do an interview show (like I do), there will be plenty of people you would love to have on your show.  The voice in your head will tell you that they will not want to do it.  That voice will tell you not to even bother asking.  The fact is, some people will say no.  But don’t say “no” for them.  Just ask.

Do One More

I was on a call several months ago.  These are all talented creators who do great work.  At one point, one of them was lamenting that their content was not doing as well.  They thought that they needed to change things or stop doing the show altogether.  We went around the Zoom call with everyone pitching in feedback and encouragement.  When it came to me, my advice was simple.  “Just do one more.”  Don’t get me wrong.  You might need to rethink some strategy or refocus on your efforts.  But often when we think it’s over, we are just in a lull.  When you keep going and just “do one more,” you eventually come out on the other side.

Quick Thank You’s

You don’t do anything for 9 years without help.  So here are a few quick shoutouts to all those that have helped me get here.

  • PromoCorner:  Thanks so much for housing all of these shows. You can most of them here.
  • Amazing Guests:  As I mentioned, it blows me away that these talented folks come on the show and share their wisdom.  Thanks.  And especially to those that have come on more than one.  You are patient…and you know who you are!
  • The Team:  While I have edited my share of these, I have a team that does the work for no credit.  Dustin Haywood, Skylar Hasseman, Justin Mullins, Josh Williams, and Mack Williams are just a few that come to mind.  Thanks so much!

And thank you for watching!  If you have checked out a single episode, thanks to you!  If you want to focus on dialing your marketing in better, check out the TARGET Marketing Playbook.  It’s based on my new book and you can get it here for free.



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