Push Through The Baby Steps

by | Jun 2, 2015

If you have tried to learn anything new recently, you know that it can be slow going.  The analogy to a baby learning to walk is a good one.  You struggle to get up.  You take a step.  You fall.  You get up again.  In doing these micro-moves, you build pathways in the brain that get stronger (and more insulated) each time you do them. 

The book The Talent Code really does an amazing job of explaining how this works.  Really interesting.

The over-arching lesson though, is keep trying.  Break down the task into “micro-tasks” and practice in deep concentration.  You can get stronger.  You will.

Then, once you understand that you really can get better at ANYTHING with the right practice, a new question comes. 

What do I want to learn now?


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