Shoot Your Shot

by | Feb 25, 2021

shoot your shot

I was having a conversation with a group of fellow content creators this week when something stopped me.  One of the members of the discussion was asking how to get great guests for their podcast.  The question was simple, “I don’t know these people.  How do I get them to agree to be on my podcast?”

The advice came in fast and furious.

And it was great advice.  This is a generous group with a lot of experience.  It ranged from the tactical “search their company on Linkedin and message them there,” to philosophical “I never send cold emails.”  But one simple statement stuck out.  Brian Young (who hosts a great podcast called BrandBuilders) said “Make a list of people you want to be on…and shoot your shot.”

Shoot Your Shot

As I have said before, if you feel like you are stuck or frustrated, it is usually because of one of two things.  First, you might be taking too much action and not thinking about the problem enough.  You are trying to outwork the problem without being strategic at all.  I have seen this in myself sometimes.

But I see the second reason more often…and it’s the opposite.  This is when we think too much and don’t take enough action toward the goal.  It’s paralysis by analysis.  We think and think and dream and never take the action to move forward.  We think that everything needs to be perfect.  Spoiler alert:  it will never be perfect.

The solution is simple.  We need to shoot our shot.

The comments from the group inspired me.  I mentioned some of the guests I would love to have on Delivering Marketing JoyGary Vaynerchuk is a guest I would love on.  I have asked many times in the past and have never broken through.  I had essentially given up.  This conversation reminded me that I need to continue to shoot my shot.

The message is simple today.  Today is the day.  Make this the day that you re-engage with your goal.  It’s time to go on offense.  Make that call.  Book that flight.  Post that video.  Shoot your shot.

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Kirby Hasseman is the CEO of Hasseman Marketing, a full-service marketing agency located in Ohio.  Learn more about Hasseman Marketing here.  And if you are interested in having him speak at your next event, you can learn more here.


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