The Power of Batching

by | May 6, 2021

the power of batching

I have been struggling to keep up with my content lately.  As you may know, I host a weekly web show called Delivering Marketing Joy, I have the Monday Minute, and I am on a podcast every Friday with Bill Petrie called Promo UpFront.  In addition, I have been working to keep up with my blog here.  When you combine this with running Hasseman Marketing and launching the new Better Business University, I can sometimes feel like I am drowning.

So what can I do about it?

One solution, of course, is to cut back.  Go easy.  Stop trying to do so much.  I hear that a lot.  The other solution is to work smarter.  I am going to work on that.  I need to start batching my work.

I was listening to the book “The Common Path To UnCommon Success” by John Lee Dumas recently and had an aha moment.  John Lee Dumas is the creator of Entrepreneur On Fire and created a multi-million dollar business by creating a daily podcast.  He interviewed inspiring entrepreneurs every single day…for 2000 days in a row!  He knows a thing or two about creating consistent content.

In the book, he talked about the power of batching activities.

Dumas points out that if you are working each morning to create content, you might keep that up for a bit.  But sooner or later, life will get in the way.  You will stress, and grind, until one day you miss a deadline.  And each time you start to write a blog or create a podcast, you have to get yourself back in that mental space again.  It takes a while for your brain to “boot up!”  But if you block off a time for writing or interviewing, you can get in that space and stay there.  It will help your consistency and (most likely) improve your quality as well.

So it’s time for me to batch my activity on content.

I have already started with Delivering Marketing Joy.  One of the biggest challenges was scheduling guests.  I would reach out, go back and forth, and try and work to fit in everyone’s schedule.  It was a constant challenge.  Now I have set Tuesday afternoon as when I do that.  In addition, I have set up a Calendly link so that guests can book a day that works best for them.  It’s been a wonderful change so far!  (As a side note, if you or someone you know would like to be a guest, please let me know and I will send you the link).

The next stop is my blog.  I want to get more consistent in my posting there.  So I need to set aside some dedicated time on my calendar for writing.  Then, once I am in the groove, I can work on several posts and get ahead of the game.

Oh…and keep in mind this is not just about content.

If you are making sales calls, the principle is the same.  Carving how a specific time to do that work will help you be more efficient and effective.

What activities can you batch to make you more effective?

If you are interested in leveling up in business (and in life), please check out Better Business University.  We have created an online learning platform for entrepreneurs, sales pros, and leaders…and I would love for you to check it out!  Learn more here and let me know if you have questions.


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