A Week of Marketing Joy

by | Mar 26, 2016

dmj week

Where has the week gone?  You might be asking yourself that.  I often ask the same thing.  We all run around as fast as we can, and “boom” another week is gone.  If you are like this, you might have missed some great content!  So here is a week’s worth of #MarketingJoy all in one place!

The Early Hustle:  On today’s podcast I talk about the early work on a project that becomes the foundation.  This is the time that a lot of activity is happening, with little results.  This is the time that our friends and family might wonder, “what are they doing?”  These times are exciting…and necessary.  Listen to more here!

Extreme Ownership:  There is no victim thinking on today’s podcast!  Extreme Ownership is a great book and a cool concept.  Essentially, if you are working on a project you need to own it…especially if you are in a leadership position.  If the mission fails, it’s your fault.  You need to consider what YOU could have done better.  Dig in on the podcast here.

Interview with Roger Burnett:  It is always fun to talk to leaders that are rocking and rolling and building.  Roger is doing just that!  Today you can learn how he is building a sales team and a brand!  Today you can either watch the Youtube video here…or listen.  My favorite quote in the podcast today?  “You can’t Google how to do this!”  What does this mean?  Listen here to find out!

You NEED Promo!  Today we dig into why you and your organization better include Promo in your marketing efforts.  Don’t just skip over this one.  I discuss 5 different reasons that SWAG helps to affect human behavior.  If you want your marketing to create recall, reaction and sales...listen to this podcast right away!

5 Lessons from Gary Vaynerchuk:  It’s time to Embrace the hustle!  Today on the DMJ podcast we discuss 5 reasons that Gary Vaynerchuk is on top of the business world.  Gary is an entrepreneur, social media giant, best selling author and investor.  You want to know what he has to teach you…trust me.  Read here or listen here...your call!

So there is a week in one place.  Enjoy!  Oh, and let me know if you have any topics you want me to tackle on the podcast.  I want to add as much value as I can for you!  Never miss an episode by subscribing on iTunes here.

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