A Week of Marketing Joy

by | Apr 2, 2016


If you are like me, you sometimes get to the end of a week and go, “What?  Where did that week go?”  I try to be intentional, but sometimes the hustle is hard to keep up with!  This week consisted of over 18 hours of windshield time, 1100 miles and lots of awesome client meetings.  But we did not forget about you!  Here is the week that was…in Content!

Through Your Customer’s Eyes:  So many times we hear customer service stories and just nod our heads.  We have all been victim to poor customer service.  But are you really listening to these stories and looking in the mirror?  Today you should.  Listen to today’s DMJ Podcast here.

Re-Evaluate Your Goals:  It’s the end of the 1st quarter, and now is the time many people start to re-evaluate their goals.  They are not as far along as they want to so set a more “realistic” number.  Today I challenge you to not move the number…but move the activity.  Increase the hustle on today’s DMJ Podcast.

Lessons in Consistency:  Today on the Delivering Marketing Joy web show, we took a look back at three rock stars in Content Marketing.  Jeff Haden, John Lee Dumas and Peg Fitzpatrick tell us (in their own way) why consistency is the key!  Listen here.

The Power of Broke:  So many times, people say they cannot start a business because of lack of capital.  Today I talk about the Power of Broke by Daymond John.  He reminds us that it does not take cash to hustle…it takes determination.  Listen to the lessons on the DMJ Podcast here.

Oh, and if you have not followed me on Facebook…now is a great time.  I did a giveaway for this book…so you never know what you might be missing!

5 Lessons from John Lee Dumas:  John Lee Dumas is a rock star podcaster and entrepreneur.  I had the chance to chat with JLD on our webshow (you can watch that here).  But he has so much to teach us!  So today we take a look at 5 Lessons you can learn from the Entrepreneur on Fire.   Read these lessons here….or listen directly here.

Thank you so much for all who have listened so far.  We have climbed over 1000 listens…and counting! 

So there is a week in one place.  Enjoy!  Oh, and let me know if you have any topics you want me to tackle on the podcast.  I want to add as much value as I can for you!  Never miss an episode by subscribing on iTunes here.

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