After it Stops Being Fun

by | Dec 2, 2015

Each new project or workout plan or business or job starts with a great deal of excitement.  This time will be different!  It’s called “uninformed optimism.”  We start with the vision of all of the great changes that are coming our way…but we don’t really know what it will take to get there.  It’s an exciting time, actually.

But then, both the “uninformed” and the “optimism” fade away.  After showing up at the gym or early mornings at the office long enough, we start to get tired.  We are sore.  We are putting in the effort, but not seeing the results. 

It gets easier then, to quit than to keep going.  That moment has happened to all of us.  And, if you are like me, at some point in your life you chose to quit.  No judgements here.

But just know this:  the difference between change and status quo happens in that moment. 

If you want to create change in your life, keep going after it stops being fun.  The fun will come back.


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