Asking the Right Questions

by | Mar 22, 2016


During the inevitable bumpy times of building a business or a career, it’s very normal to ask “Why me?”  In a 24-hour plugged in world, we might see the perceived success of others and wonder “where is mine?”  If things get particularly stressful, you might even ask yourself “Why am I doing this at all?”

But those are the wrong questions.

When times of stress come (and they will) ask some of these different questions:

  1. What can I do next to make this better?
  2. What is the end goal that excites me?
  3. Who will I impact if I succeed?
  4. Where might this journey take me?
  5. Why did I start this in the first place?

By re-framing the discussing in your own mind, you come up with better solutions.  You also improve your mental state to attack the day.  It’s not that you shouldn’t be asking questions.

You just need to be asking the right questions.

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