Assuming The Best

by | Sep 16, 2014

My wife and I were out walking last night, discussing an issue that we need to tackle.  The biggest challenge is, there is a big portion of it that is totally out of our control.  These are the toughest (at least for us) to get our arms around.  If it is IN our control, then we can buckle down and get to work.  But when a problem is out of your control, it can become maddening.

So often we assume the worst. 

We fret about what will go wrong.  We worry about what will happen.  We get mad and frustrated because we can’t do anything about it.  But that’s the thing, we can’t do anything about it.

That’s why sometimes it’s just best to assume the best.  It’s not blind optimism.  It’s not sticking your head in the sand.  But if there is nothing you can do anyway, you might as well dedicate that energy to something productive.

As the Dalai Lama said, “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.”

Assume the best will happen today.  You just might find you are right!


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