The Magic Pointing Finger

The Magic Pointing Finger

Wayne Dyer once said something that has resonated with me for years.  “Once you realize that what you think about expands in your life, you get really careful about what you think about.” Dyer said that you often get what you really want in your life.  But...
No Complaining Today

No Complaining Today

Complaining is an insidious habit.  It steals joy, productivity, and happiness.  I know this…and I have even written about it before.  And yet, sometimes, I find myself falling back into the trap of complaining. I don’t even know I am doing it, and then...
My Internal Voice

My Internal Voice

My internal voice has been being a jerk lately. I have talked about “that voice” we all have many times.  It’s the voice that yammers on all day long in our heads.  Sometimes it’s good…but oftentimes…not so much.  That internal...
The Predictable Should Be Prepared For

The Predictable Should Be Prepared For

When my wife and I bought 14 acres of land in Coshocton recently, we had considered buying a lawn tractor.  But because it was quite a few acres, I felt like it needed to be a larger lawn tractor.  Many of my friends disagreed.  They told me, over and over, that I...