Be Intentional Toward Goals

by | Oct 11, 2015

Where are you going?  What are you doing to get there?  These are very simple questions for sure.  But most people that struggle at reaching toward their goals, struggle with these questions.  If you ask them, “what are your goals?” they have a hard time telling you.  That is why I am such a big proponent of writing your goals down.

They tell you (and your mind) where you are going.

But that is only the first step of course.  After you have the goals on paper, do you have them in a place you can see them?  You should.  This, quite simply, reminds you where you are going each day. 

Now…what are you DOING to get there?

So many of us say that we “want to start a business,” or maybe we “want to save money.”  And we do.  But without some sort of intentional, consistent action toward it, will anything happen. 

So be intentional each day about your goals.  Do something (even if it is tiny) in moving your toward your goal.

Start today.


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