Be More Patient

by | Aug 22, 2014

I am chronically in a hurry.  Though there are times when this can be good (getting quite a few things done) it makes me impatient.  I can’t stand lines.  I don’t care for public transportation.  And if someone gets in front of me that is walking (or driving) slow, I have to constantly overcome the urge to shove them out of the way.
But every once in a while I find myself asking “what the hell is the hurry?”
The fact is, that person in front of me might need help.  They might be struggling with something.  And my breathing down their neck is not helping their challenge.  Interestingly enough, it’s not helping me either.
So when you find yourself in the position of trying to “beat the clock” with that slowpoke in front of you…take a breath.  Look around. 
Be patient.  Unless it’s really life and death, it can wait a few more minutes.
P.S.  On the other hand, if you are going slow in the left lane, you are just being rude.  🙂


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