Be The Change


I heard hundreds (nay thousands) of the people say it.  “I can’t wait for this election to be over.”  Hell, I said it…a lot.  But let me ask you something.  In the days after the election, “does it feel like it’s over?”  Does it feel like the hate and anger and rhetoric have stopped?  If you have been on social media or watching the news, does it feel like the masses have decided that it’s time to unite?

Now on to the more important question…how are YOU reacting?

You see, one of my long held beliefs is that we blame the mass media for our own shortcomings.  As I have repeatedly pointed out, the hate and anger in my Facebook feed (or Twitter or whatever) are not from CNN or Fox news.  These posts are from individuals.  All of them.  We are all the media today.  So if you want to see a kinder and more peaceful world, the responsibility lies with us…with you.

I totally understand that this was a stressful, emotional and frustrating election cycle.  It was.  I lived it too.  But we need to get over it.  We need to get back to the business of doing “America.”  This country and that concept are not about the single person that is in charge.  It never has been.  It’s about “we the people.”  So here are some quick thoughts about what each of us can do today to move in the right direction.

Stop The Touchdown Dance:  I find it super ironic that a bunch of the people I know that supported President-Elect Trump are people who are not interested in the showboating of sports.  Yet these are the same people that are all over social media with loud proclamations and preening.  Remember your annoyance with the athletes when they score.  Your guy won.  Now hand the ball to the referee and get back to work.

Stop the Doomsday Predictions:  On the other side, I understand your frustration that you candidate lost.  But in these days (and months) after the election, it does very little good to bitch and complain about the results.  As I have repeatedly said, Warren Buffet has been a success with many Presidents.  People who have been dumpster fires were that was with different Presidents.  Start focusing on what you can do.

Push Out Kindness:  Instead lets start using that energy to push out some good into the universe.  Smile.  Give a compliment.  Send a card.  Give a hug.  Now some will roll their eyes and say that this will not make a difference in a country.  Maybe.  Maybe not.  But I can assure you that it can make a difference in your life…today.  I can and will boost your spirit, and give you more energy, and make you feel better.  And frankly that’s more of a promise than any politician can make anyway.

Let’s start with that today.  Be the change you want to see in the world today.

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