Better Business University…One Week Away

by | Apr 25, 2021

If you are like most entrepreneurs, leaders, and sales pros I know, you want to grow.  You want to elevate your game!  And you want to do the same for your team!  The challenge is that education, especially business education, is really expensive.  If you want to get a degree or an MBA, you could spend $100,000 or more!

We have created Better Business University to help bridge that gap.

We have created real-world business education designed to help you and your team grow.  And we want to do this in a way that is intentional.  Success looks different for different people.  For some, it’s to grow sales and increase income.  For others, it might mean being more efficient so you can spend more time with your family.

I am an entrepreneur, author, speaker, and content creator.  But I am also a husband and father.  I have spent the last 20 years creating businesses and working to grow teams.  Some of these businesses have thrived and flourished (and still are)…and some have failed.  Both of these experiences have taught me valuable lessons about business that I want to share with you.  It has also taught me how valuable learning and education can be.

Better Business University is launching in just one week.  Our goal with BBU is to create affordable business education for you and your team.  Please feel free to watch this video to learn more.  I also talk a bit about why “Giving First” is the best way to succeed in business today.

In addition, we will have more video content coming on Wednesday, where we talk a bit more about the program and give you some tips on getting more done!

Finally, please head to our Facebook page here to follow along and leave us a comment.  Or just go to to learn more.


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