Both Things Can Be True

by | Feb 19, 2022

hot air balloon both things can be true

If you follow any of my content, you likely know I am from Coshocton County.  I am proud of it.  So I create content about the community.  It might be in the form of Youtube videos like this one or the blog post I wrote today talking about upcoming events in Coshocton County.  These pieces of content are good for my community…and I am proud of that.

But make no mistake…they are good for me too.

When things are going well for Coshocton County, my businesses tend to do well.  As the saying goes “a rising tide lifts all boats.”  So a thriving economy is good news for me and my family.  And more directly, since Amy and I opened the Renaissance on Main, we offer visitors a place to stay when they visit.

I bring up this piece of transparency because both things can be true.

When you align yourself or your business with a good cause, it can be beneficial for both.  It doesn’t have to be dirty.  Profit is not a dirty word.  When your mission aligns with your community (or another not-for-profit), you can work together to create more change and more impact.

Don’t hide from it.  Embrace it.  It can be good for you and good for the world.  Really.

Both things can be true.

Oh…and we would love for you to come and visit our community.  Want a reason to come and check it out?  We have some amazing events coming up this year…and you can learn about them here.

Make sure you never miss an update.  Each week we send out one email to recap all of the content in one place.    Sign up to be an HMC VIP here.


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