What Are You Willing To Do?

What Are You Willing To Do?

One of the biggest problems for many people in 2020 (beyond real health concerns) is that it’s given us all a REALLY great excuse. I say that because COVID-19 is a real thing.  It has caused real issues.  The challenges that many people and industries are facing...
Perfection Is The Enemy of Progress

Perfection Is The Enemy of Progress

This story starts with a small group of people that wanted to make a difference.  I love stories like that. The group gathered together to discuss the state of disrepair that one of our city parking lots was in.  The idea, as the discussion began, was to get a group...
My iPhone updated last night

My iPhone updated last night

My iPhone updated last night. Before you groan, let me say this.  I love that the change has been made to automatically update during the night.  That makes a ton of sense to me.  In the past, the notifications popped up on my phone at completely inconvenient times...
Partners Versus Vendors

Partners Versus Vendors

One word that gets tossed around in business a lot right now is “partnership.”  Everyone seems to want to be your partner.  Your customers want a “partner” that will help them grow.  And your vendors want to be that “trusted...
Choose Your Words Wisely

Choose Your Words Wisely

Words have power.  During this election cycle we have seen it first hand.  Words have the power to divide.  They can sow fear and hate.  Or we can choose to use them differently. Today is election day in the United States.  It’s a day I have always looked...