Blessings of 2015

Like many of you, I am working to wrap up projects from 2015, while getting ready for the new year.  I am excited about some of the things we have accomplished in 2015.  So before I announce my goals for 2016 here on this blog, I thought I would share some...

#50Books in the Bag

I did it!My goal to read 50 books has been a daunting one.  But I must say, it has been HUGELY impactful to me as a business owner and a person.  People have asked me all year, “Where do you find the time?”  That is one of the lessons I have...
Taking it to the Next Level

Taking it to the Next Level

2015 has been a really good year.  I have been blessed.I am pleased that I have pushed myself to learn (reading 50 books) and continued to grow our business.  In addition, I am excited about the content that we have continued to create.  We have kept up...

Just Bad Luck?

Chances are, you have someone (or multiple someones) in your life that “bad things always happen to.”  The key word here is “always.”  No matter where they go, trouble follows.  They have drama in their life.  They know the...

Why You Slept Poorly

I didn’t sleep well last night.  For what ever reason, I tossed and turned.  I woke up quite a few times and just never got a great “rest.”  It happens.  It wasn’t the worst night rest in the world…just not the...

It’s Not What You Say

When you were younger did you ever hear this?”It’s not what you say.  It’s how you say it!”  Those words from our mothers ring even more true today.  With hundreds of new forms of communications, there are constantly new ways to...