Be Better Than Yesterday

Be Better Than Yesterday

I don’t know about you, but there are days that I wake up and I am not pleased with my effort from the day before.  I wake up thinking, “Wow!  You really blew that one.”  And it’s easy to get dragged down by that thinking.  It’s easy to allow it to...
Have Some Kind of Plan

Have Some Kind of Plan

I ran into an acquaintance on the street the other day and I asked him how he was doing.  He said, “Good.  I just got my realtor’s license!”  Then he handed me a card.”Oh cool,” I said.  “You are going to be in...
Just a Bit Cheaper

Just a Bit Cheaper

Have you ever had this experience?You have been purchasing from a company for some time.  They provide good service, good quality at a good price.  The value in the exchange seems fair.  But, as a smart consumer, you set out to find “a better...
Hustle Creates Hustle

Hustle Creates Hustle

One thing I believe to be true:  Everyone in business believes they are hustling. I use that word a lot.  It motivates me and reminds me if I want good things in life, I need to be willing to go get it!  Talent is fine.  It can even be...
What Do I Win By Winning?

What Do I Win By Winning?

We have all been there.  We find ourselves in an argument with a person who is just plain wrong.  They have dug in their heels.  They refuse to listen to reason.  This person might be a customer, a friend or even a spouse…and it can be...
Always Be Curious

Always Be Curious

If you have ever been in sales training you have heard about the ABC’s of sales…Always Be Closing.   In the famous scene from Glengary Glen Ross (from 1992), Alec Baldwin reminds us to “get them to sign on the line that is dotted!”   Though...