Have Some Kind of Plan

by | Nov 20, 2014

I ran into an acquaintance on the street the other day and I asked him how he was doing.  He said, “Good.  I just got my realtor’s license!”  Then he handed me a card.

“Oh cool,” I said.  “You are going to be in the real estate business, huh?  What is your plan?”

And then the conversation came to a bit of a halt.  He paused and thought about it. 

“Oh, I don’t know.”

Great!  Well please let me list my properties with you!  What could go wrong?

Please understand that I don’t mean you have to have it all figured out when you start a new endeavor.  Quite the opposite.  Anyone that has ever started any venture knows you can’t.  Things will pop up and throw you off track. 

But how can you really be successful in anything if you don’t have ANY plan to start? 

He could have said, “I am just going to work hard to get my name out there and get as many listings as I can.”  I might have pressed him (just for conversation) on how, but it would have been a start.

So by all means, start something new!  Get a new job or start a new business.  Just give some thought to how you will make it happen.

I have a feeling it will help.


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