Focus on What You Can Do

Focus on What You Can Do

I just finished the book “The 12 Week Year” and it has me thinking a bit differently about my goals.  I have always been a big goal setter.  But as the book points out, annual goals can sometimes be tough to set (and achieve).  (This ends up...

What Forgiving Does

When you forgive someone, you don’t release them of their indiscretions.  You don’t (necessarily) say “what you did is okay.” When you forgive someone, you release yourself from your anger…and move on.

Keep Your Head on a Swivel!

When I was on the high school football team (hard to believe, I know) I remember a coach yelling “Keep your head on a Swivel!”  The idea was to be aware of your surroundings at all times, so you didn’t get clobbered.  If you were looking...

After it Stops Being Fun

Each new project or workout plan or business or job starts with a great deal of excitement.  This time will be different!  It’s called “uninformed optimism.”  We start with the vision of all of the great changes that are coming our...

Looking for a Reason

If you wake up every day and spend any time on social media (or media in general), you may have noticed an epidemic.  It’s an epidemic of controversies.  Nearly every day, it seems, a group in the United States is totally up in arms about some new...

A Second Coat

My youngest daughter has had a bright pink room for several years now.  And when I say “bright pink,” I mean the room is glowing.  Super bright.  For me, it’s been a lot to take.  But she liked it.  So I went along.Recently,...