Changing Is A Strength

by | Mar 27, 2022

changing is a strength

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” —Maya Angelou

This is one of my favorite quotes from Maya Angelou.  I love it because it speaks to the evolution that many of us go through…when we allow it.  As we grow and listen and read, we learn to do better.  It’s natural and it’s good.

If I am the same person at 48 as I was at 18…then I have failed.

I think most of us would agree with this in theory.  It makes sense to us when we think of it in terms of ourselves.  We give ourselves the room and the grace to grow.  And we should.

But why then do we treat it completely different in others?

So often, when we see others in our world evolve, we treat it as a weakness?  We view the politician that changes his or her mind as a “flip-flopper.”  We look at the band that creates a new style of music as a “sell-out.”  And society has certainly crucified scientists that evolved with the evidence during the pandemic.

My friends, changing and evolving is not a weakness.  It’s a strength.

If you want to do things that you have never done, you will need to become a new person.  The old you could not have done it.  You need to grow.  You need to change.  And that is not only a good thing.  It’s necessary.

  • Growth is necessary.
  • Learning creates growth.
  • Perspective is powerful.

If you want to become a better version of yourself…you will need to change.  Changing is a strength.  Let’s stop vilifying it…and celebrate it.

Kirby Hasseman is the CEO of Hasseman Marketing.  Make sure you never miss an update.  Get on this HMC VIP email list.    Sign up to be an HMC VIP here.


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