Creating My Own Practice

by | Nov 19, 2020

creating my own practice

It’s dark in my house right now.  I am sitting in my home office looking at this computer screen.  It’s a part of my morning routine, and I am working to “push out some good” before I get to the rest of my day.  That is why I have started writing this blog again on a more regular basis.  I want to push out some good.  For you…and for me.

There are many challenges with creating a practice like this.  We out think ourselves.

As some of you know, I already create a fair amount of content.  There is Delivering Marketing Joy, the Hasseman Marketing blog, The Monday Minute, and the Promo UpFront podcast with Bill Petrie.  So “that voice” that we all have starts to echo in my head with doubt.  Is there too much of you out there?  What are the metrics of these posts?  Does anyone care?  When will you post?  And the voice keeps prattling on.

But as Seth Godin talks about in his new book “The Practice,” it’s about showing up consistently and creating generous work.  That’s the goal, at least.

So that’s my goal with this blog.  I want to show up consistently.  I want to push out some good into the world.  And my hope is that it resonates with some of you.  I cannot get obsessed with numbers.  Chances are, they won’t be amazing.  And I can’t control that anyway.  I can only control my effort.  I have control over whether I continue to show up.  So I will.

And in doing so, my hope is that I will continue to grow…and provide better work for you.

Kirby Hasseman is the CEO of Hasseman Marketing, a full service marketing agency located in Ohio.  Learn more about Hasseman Marketing here.  And if you are interested in have him speak at your next event, you can learn more here.


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