Creating Your Christmas List

by | Nov 26, 2015

 My wife recently asked me to make a “Christmas list” for the family.  As you probably know, this is simply the act of putting your wishes for gifts on paper, so that family has some idea of what to get you…that you might actually like.

Seems simple enough…but it’s not always. 

I think that’s because we are often not that great at articulating what we want in our life.  In addition, when creating these lists, we want to “be reasonable” so that our relatives can afford the items we desire.  I mean, I would love a boat.  But I don’t think I will put that on my list. 

But what about our “Christmas list” (or we can call it “Wish List” if you want) for ourselves?  Do you spend the same amount of time thinking about what you want to provide for yourself in the coming year?  What do you want to create? 

You should.  And here are some Do’s and Don’ts when creating your own “Christmas List.”

1.  Do give it some thought.  You should spend more time on this than you do telling the relatives you want “running socks.”

2.  Do write it down.  Most people don’t write their goals and desires down.  You should.

3.  Do share them with those that you love.  Those who love you most in life will probably want you to reach your goals…and they might help.  In addition, you never know the person who might hold the key to helping you.

4.  Do revisit it regularly.   If you are actively chasing your dreams…they will change.  You might attain them.  You might realize they don’t matter.  Keep the list updated.

5.  Don’t be reasonable.  When you set up your life “wish list,” stop playing small.  This is where you want to be put the Boat.  Then create a plan to go get it.

This is a great time of year to be introspective.  But remember to do so while looking forward.  Don’t spend a ton of time lamenting what you have not accomplished.  Stay focused on where you want to go.

Happy Holidays.  May this season be a great one for you and yours!


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