Dear Sky and Jade, Dream Big

by | Feb 27, 2014

Dear Sky and Jade,

I love you and want the very best for you.  The good news is, most people really do want what’s best for you.  That being said, don’t listen to “most people.”  Let me explain.

I think one of the hardest things to do in life is to continue to dream big as you grow up.  I want you to continue to dream big.  Most people will spend a great deal of time and energy telling you that you need to be “realistic.”  You need to set goals that are “reachable.”  You need to live within the world that they see around them.

Now I don’t think that most people are mean-spirited.  I don’t think they do this to consciously hold you back (though subconsciously might be a different discussion).  But the fact is, they look through the world through their own eyes.  They have their own expectations, skills, dreams (or lack thereof) and vision of the world…not yours.

And as mean as it sounds for me to say, most people are very average. 

So don’t listen to most people when you are crafting your dream for the future.  Not even if that person is me.

Dream Big today…and forever.  You will be glad you did!



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