Delivering Marketing Joy…The Show

by | Mar 22, 2015

I am so excited that I started doing the Web Show Delivering Marketing Joy several months ago.  What started out as an experiment has turned into my weekly lesson on marketing, entrepreneurship, promotional products and more!  I learn something new each week and it’s an honor to talk to each guest.

Haven’t seen it yet?  Then buckle up!  It’s time to take a look back at Delivering Marketing Joy…so far.

Episode 1…Mark Graham:  In my first episode we talk to Commonsku creator Mark Graham about his inspirations and a cool marketing case study gone right!  Click here to watch it!

Episode 2…Dana Zezzo:  Next up we talked to my buddy Dana Zezzo about being a trailblazer in the Social Media world.  Click here to watch it!

Episode 3…Jeff Solomon:  This time we talked with Jeff Solomon!  Jeff is the brains behind Free Promo Tips and tells about staying fit and finding a niche!  Check that out here.  

Episode 4…Patrick Clark:  Patrick joined us for Episode 4.  This time we talked about tips for Entrepreneurs and some great books to read.  This was a good one…watch it here. 

Episode 5…Tiffany Tarr:  This time we talked with Tiffany Tarr about her inspirations in our industry (and we even helped connect them).  Watch that here.

Episode 6…Danny Rosin:  “We should not be called Human Beings.  We should be called Human Doings.”  Lots of great stuff like this in this Episode with Danny!  You won’t want to miss this one.  Check it out here. 

Episode 7…Dale Denham:  We spent time talking to a tech guy about tech (so original) and also pushing yourself to be better.  Dale rocked it.  Here is that one! 

Episode 8…Bill Petrie:  On this episode we talked with Bill about how small companies can compete with larger ones…and how we should be willing to ask for help.  That’s tough…I know.  Watch that one here.  

Episode 9…Roger Burnett:  Roger joined us on this episode and shared how he accidentally became an expert by being willing to try new things.  Watch that one here. 

Episode 10…Michelle Turner:  Michelle is a great small business owner.  She has a great understanding of how company culture really does impact the bottom line.  She explains that here!

Episode 11 and 12…Best of the Questions:  In these two episodes we looked back at some of my favorite questions.  How did I do?  That’s for you to decide.  Here is Episode 11.   Here is Episode 12.

Episode 13…Paul Bellantone:  This week (and at the beginning of 2015) we talked with PPAI CEO Paul Bellantone.  He did a great job explaining why he is such an advocate for the industry…and why trade shows rock.  Here is that one!

Episode 14…Jeff Haden:  Jeff Haden is one of my favorite writers, so this was a big honor for me. Here Jeff talks about secrets to success (work hard) and why you have to push yourself.  You will want to see this one here.  

Episode 15…Jason Lucash:  Jason is the only guest (so far) that has been on Shark Tank.  He shares that experience and gives me a rapid fire quiz for the ages.  Fun stuff.  Here is that one.

Episode 16…Jessica Hutwelker:  On this Episode we learn more about Jessica and her journey.  She challenged herself to do something outside of her comfort zone each month.  Cool.  She tells you herself here.

Episode 17…Mark Graham:  We enjoyed talking to Mark so much that we had him back!  This time we discussed what it is like to have started (and run) two different businesses AND what it’s like to work with his wife.  You can find out here.

Episode 18…Tee Hamilton:  This episode is about creativity and the creative process.  How do you get more creative?  Tee tells you herself here!

Episode 19…Mike Michalowicz:
  I read the book Profit First this year and it rocked my world!  Mike was gracious enough to come on and explain the concept and give insight to growing a healthy company.  It’s a good one.  You can watch it here!

Episode 20…Tim Fargo:  Tim is so fun!  Tim Fargo is an author and entrepreneur and was on the Inc. 500 list…twice!  Here he shares us some great insight on being committed and appreciation.  You will want to see this one!

Episode 21…Rick Greene:  Speaking of fun…here is Rick Greene.  Rick talks about sales management and standing out in the crowd…and Rick knows how for sure.  Get some great insight here.

Episode 22…Ted Rubin:  Buckle up and get ready!  Ted Rubin is one of the most influential people on Social Media (according to Forbes).  On this episode he shares lots of awesome advice on how to do Social Media Marketing right!  Watch that one here!

Episode 23…Paul Kiewiet:  “Life begins just outside of your comfort zone.”  Paul reminds us why we need to push ourselves and maintain discipline to succeed.  He would know.  He just climbed Mount Kilimanjaro!  Watch this awesome episode here.

It’s been a great ride so far…with more to come.  Thanks for coming along!


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