Delivering Marketing Joy with Peg Fitzpatrick

by | Mar 9, 2016

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For 74 weeks in a row I have had the distinct honor of talking with business leaders, authors, entrepreneurs and marketing experts on my web show called Delivering Marketing Joy!  It has truly created my own “school” for growing organizations.  Today’s episode was a great one as I had the chance to talk to Peg Fitzpatrick.  Peg is a social media dynamo and is the author (with Guy Kawasaki) of The Art of of Social Media.

Watch the full episode here!

Peg took the time to be the teacher today and it was enlightening.

First up, let me say that I loved the book The Art of Social Media.  It was a great read on “how to” do social media right.  I loved that it was very tactical and gave you specific actions to take into your organization right away.  Peg discussed how she came to write the book, and how she partnered with Guy Kawasaki!

Next up, we discussed the fact that in the past, sometimes blogging and social media has been viewed as “separate.”  Peg has written a blog about how this should change.  You can read more about her take on this here.  In DMJ today, I asked Peg about that and she dug in.  Let’s face it, the noise is getting louder.  As she said, “There are so many blogs in the world, people are not just going to find it!”  We need to use Social to help spread the word about our blog.  She tells us how!

Finally, as you may know, I have started a DMJ podcast each business day.  I asked Peg how I might grow the reach.  As she does, she gave me some real and specific advice on how to improve!  Now I need to get to work!  Speaking of, if you want to listen to this Delivering Marketing Joy as a podcast, find it here.  Please feel free to subscribe on iTunes and Stitcher!

Peg ended the show by asking me who are some “dream guests” for Delivering Marketing Joy!  Of course, if you want to find out who I mentioned, watch the show here!

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