Did I Solve The Right Problems

by | May 7, 2022

did I solve the right problems

Entrepreneurs solve problems.  That’s their job.  All-day…every day.  I talked about that here.

If and when you accept that premise, it sets you free to ask a very important question.  “What problems do I want to solve today?”

Oh…other problems will come up too.  That’s the job, remember?  But the other job of the entrepreneur is to decide what problems to tackle.  What direction do you want the organization to go?  What change do you want to see made?

As you might expect, once you make that decision, new problems will present themselves.

That’s the nature of the beast.

But now, you have a new way to measure progress.

Instead of asking yourself whether you were busy today (which I have said is a terrible way to measure success), you can ask yourself different questions.

Did I solve the right problems today?

Did I move the project forward?

If the answer is “yes” to those questions…then you are probably on the right track.

Get a copy of my best-selling book “The Give First Economy” for FREE here.  Thanks for reading!  Learn more about Hasseman Marketing (and how we might be able to help you) here.



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