Doing What You HAVE To Do

by | Jan 30, 2015

The older I get the more I understand that MOST of life is not really black and white.  Most situations are sprinkled with shades of gray.  There are nearly always two sides to every story.  You CAN be both right and wrong.

Let me explain.

We have all been victim to those situations where someone is doing everything they have to do to help us.  They are standing just on that side of the line.  They have fulfilled all of the recommended requirements, they have checked their box, and they can look at you with the indignation that says “I am right.  I did everything I had too to help you.”  They did their job.  They are right.  But it feels very wrong.

Why?  Because they didn’t do all the COULD do.

Have you ever had that disinterested customers service person (often with the condescending attitude) who COULD be more helpful…but is not?  They are doing all they have to do.  Ever experienced the instructor that is watching a student on the edge of success and failure just watch the student fall over the edge?  Sure they could have helped…but they didn’t HAVE too.

So how do you want to live your life?  How do you want to do your job?  How do you want to be remembered? 

Are you the person that does just what they HAVE to do?  Or are you the person, that when someone looks you in the eye and asks for help, jump in and do everything you can to help?

I know what everyone will say.  But what are you DOING to prove it today?


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