Embrace Uncomfortable Conversations

by | May 24, 2022

embrace uncomfortable conversations

I heard recently that “a person’s capacity for growth is directly related to their willingness to have uncomfortable conversations.”

I wish I could remember where I heard that…because it struck me.  And it struck me, because like so many people, I often avoid them.   Historically I have put my head down and tried to “lead by example.”  For me, that was a nice way of saying “I am not going to say anything.  Hopefully, it will just get better.”

Surprisingly (sarcasm) that has not worked well.  Over time, things that were not big things became big things.

And often, that was my fault.

I need to do a better job of embracing uncomfortable conversations.

And to be fair, that is true with a ton of things in life.  We often spend our entire existence avoiding things that make us uncomfortable.  And yet, we know intellectually, that it’s in the uncomfortable that growth happens.

So if you see something that is uncomfortable today, you might be wrong to avoid it.  It might be time to lean in.

The other side of uncomfortable is where change happens.

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