Enjoy the journey…not just the vacation

by | Mar 2, 2022

enjoy the journey

Years ago, I surprised my wife with a quick getaway.  It was a trip around her birthday and I went to great lengths to keep it from her.  Considering the fact that I hate keeping secrets like this, I was proud of the effort.  I planned the trip, booked the flights, make plans for the kids, and packed (at least part of) her bag of clothes.

The trip was really good.  We had a lovely time and Amy was gracious and excited.  But I will never do that again.  Why?

I took away her chance to be excited.

The thing I realized with that trip is that part of the fun of a vacation is…anticipating the vacation!  Yes, we all enjoy the days on the beach or the walks through the woods, or whatever activity you enjoy in your favorite spot.  But that trip often only lasts a week (or less).  What often lasts longer is the months of planning.  There is joy in thinking about what you will see, where you will eat, what activities you will do.

When we rush through the process and skip to the end, we lose sight of the joy in the process.  There is power in enjoying the journey.  Not only does it make the vacation (or the goal) more fun to attain, but it makes us appreciate the destination all the more.

What do you have coming up that you could be excited about?  Are you allowing yourself to enjoy the steps along the way?

Today might be a good day to start.  Enjoy the journey…not just the vacation!  🙂

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