Fight Fear With Fear

by | May 6, 2024

Fight fear with fear

“Fight Fear with Fear.”

I was sitting at church this weekend, listening to the message, and this sentence stopped me.  Fight fear with fear.

The speaker was talking about the idea that most of us are held back from what we really want in life by one thing…fear.  We are afraid of heights, so we won’t ride that roller coaster.  We are afraid of failing, so we never start that business.  The idea of being rejected scares us, so we never ask that person out.  In every one of those situations, fear keeps us from what we want in our life.  It happens all of the time.

And most of the time, fear wins.

That’s why I loved this concept.  Fight fear with fear.  Instead of hiding from the fear, it might be time to use it.  You just have to find out what you are MORE afraid of.

In church, the pastor talked about being afraid of riding that roller coaster.  He avoided it, until he was there with his friends.  Everyone was riding it…and he didn’t want to look like a coward.  It was still fear driving him.  But the fear of not wanting to look weak was greater than his fear of heights.

So what are you MORE afraid of?  Get your mind around that…and you can fight fear with fear.

You might be afraid of looking silly at the gym.  But are more afraid of dying before you get to walk your daughter down the aisle?

It might seem scary to make those sales calls.  But it’s really scary to not be able to make your house payment.

You might be hesitant to look stupid when you try that new hobby.  But the idea of doing life alone might frighten you more.

Once you understand that what is holding you back is fear, you might know how to fight it.  Create something that you are even more afraid of so you can fight fear with fear.

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