Focus on the Mulitplier Activities

by | Mar 8, 2016


I love the hustle.  I actually love the grind (interview with Jeff Haden on Grinding here).  But sometimes we can all fall back on that four letter word that actually hinders our productivity.  That four letter word is…busy.

Listen to my Delivering Marketing Joy Podcast from today!

If you follow this website, or any of my content streams, you know I am creating a lot.  I am hustling.  I am creating a web show (Delivering Marketing Joy) once a week, a weekly word (to inspire), a podcast each business day and I am doing a blog.  In addition, I am running a business that doubled in size last year.  The fact is, when you are doing all of that, you can get a bit crazy at times.  Sometimes my head is spinning with activities that I am doing…or I need to do.

I have bought into the message of Grant Cardone and Gary Vaynerchuk who express the importance of hard work and hustle.

The challenge that I have run into is, that although I am hustling, I am not sure I am always working on the right activities.  The Grant and Gary message, I think, is often aimed at the person who is just not working hard enough.  We can all do more.  Sure.  But when you get to a certain level of activity, it’s not about more activity.  It’s about the “right” activity.

The fact is, there are certain activities in my business, that I am doing, that I don’t need to do.  There are other people in the business that can do them.  They might even be able to do them better.  I need to focus my time and energy on things that help to “multiply” me.  These might include creating content, because I do the work once and it can have value forever.  It might be calling on a larger client.  Maybe I should spend time working to help my sales team grow.

I need to focus on “multiplier” activities.

What are the activities that you could outsource in your business?  What activities bring you and your business the most value.  Today…focus on those.

Subscribe to the Podcast on iTunes here!

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