Growth Begins…

by | Nov 17, 2015

One of the things I love about setting the goal of running a half-marathon (or a marathon) is that the person who is setting the goal CAN’T accomplish it.  The person setting the goal aspires to run that far.  But they can’t get up and do it right now.  That’s the point of setting the goal.

If you want to make your new goal happen, you have to change (both mentally and physically) into the person that CAN.  You have to work each day to move closer to that new person.  You have to grow into that person.  You need to change.

Many days you will be sore.  Often (even during training) your brain will try and sabatoge you.  It will scream at you “stop!” or “why are we doing this?”  But in overcoming the soreness in your muscles and the voices in your head, you move toward becoming the person that can run 3 miles (or 13 or 26 or…).  You realize that YOU CAN.

As Paul Kiewiet once said to me, “Growth starts just outside of your comfort zone.”

Those words ring true to me whenever I am trying something new.  I am not the person that can do this…yet.  But just like in training to become a marathoner, I can get there.  It will be hard.  At times it will be painful.  But I CAN.

If we overcome the tired muscles and the voices in our head, we become THAT person.  We transform into the person that made it happen.

Time to hit the road today…and train.

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