Hit The Target: The Target Marketing Framework

by | Jul 14, 2023

Targeted Marketing is an essential element for any business to thrive in today’s marketplace. The success of a business depends on how effectively it reaches its TARGET audience and how it positions itself as the go-to solution for the audience’s needs. You don’t want to target everyone.  It works to reach exactly the right type of person. Your customer.  That is why Hasseman Marketing has created this TARGET Marketing Framework.  (And this FREE TARGET Marketing Playbook).

Let’s talk about what TARGET stands for…and how you can implement it in your business.

T-Stands For Target

When working with clients, so many of them are stumped by the question, “Who is your perfect customer?”  Many of them are even a bit annoyed.  They will tell me that everyone is their customer.  To that, I always say “If everyone is your customer, no one is your customer.”  You just can’t market to everyone.  You don’t have the budget.  Spending the time to target that ideal customer can help you create a marketing message that reaches them…right where they are!

A-Is for Attract

The next step is to build your audience.  While many people understand that this means social media, they lose sight of building the list that they own.  Now is a great time to start to develop assets (like a lead magnet) that will help you start to build a list that you don’t rent…you own.

R-Is for Reach

Now is the time to expand your Reach.  Now that you have a way to collect information, it’s time to promote and create content across all of the platforms that your ideal customer likes.  Make sure you are not JUST selling.  Too many businesses create “content” that is just advertising.  Create content that provides value.  When you do that, you can create more content…and it will help to grow your reach.

G-Is for Go Get it!

Now it’s time to sell.  It’s time to “Go Get it!”  So many entrepreneurs and marketers leave money on the table because they are wishy-washy and don’t ask for a sale.  When you are providing value, just do that. But when it’s time to sell…go get it!

E-Is for Enthusiasm

Okay, so you have customers.  Now it’s time to build a brand.  It’s time to create enthusiasm for the brand.  Your organization can do this by creating an experience that dazzles the customer.  And one way to dazzle your customers is to show appreciation.  This is the perfect time to grow with your customers…and create a tribe that is loyal to your brand.

T-Is for Track

At this point, you have a lot of activity.  But what is working?  Now is the time to create a scoreboard in order to track the activities…and the results.

So there you have it!  These are the basic guidelines for the TARGET Marketing framework.  Do you want the TARGET Marketing Playbook?  This is a much deeper dive into the concepts AND how you can implement them in your business. You can get that for FREE here.

Hasseman Marketing is your one-stop marketing shop.  We work hard to “Deliver #MarketingJoy to you.  If you want to make sure you never miss an update, now is a great time to become a VIP.  Sign up to be “on the list” here.


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