How Am I Leaping?

by | Feb 29, 2016

This 2014 photo provided by Judi Dunn shows her Labrador retriever Shayna jumping into the family pool at their home in Holiday, Fla. In keeping with Leap Year the AP took a look at some dog leaps and how pets survived them without major injury. Four dogs survive leaps over a canal, off a balcony, through a plate glass window and out of a moving car, pushing the meaning of Leap Year to new level but leaving behind a lot of cuts and bruises.(Judi Dunn via AP)

Inspired by the post from Seth Godin today, I wanted to share with you some of the ways I am “leaping” this year.  These are things that I am doing that are “leaps of faith” for me.  These are ways I am putting myself out there.  I don’t know that they will work.  But I have decided to take the steps to try them anyway.

DMJ Podcast:  This is the biggest leap for me this year.  I have decided to create a podcast (targeted at entrepreneurs and salespeople) every business day.  I want to provide inspiration and motivation in short bursts.  I have never done a Podcast but I have decided to Leap!  You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, you can check out the latest one on this site each day, or you can listen directly on Soundcloud.  Either way, let’s leap on this together.

Here is today’s podcast on Being a Practitioner.  This website represents a leap for me.  As I started to create more and more content, I felt like it was important to house it all in one place.  The hope is that it will be easier for you to consume.  But who knows?  It could be a flop.  It’s a leap.

My New Facebook page:  I have been Facebook personally for quite some time.  But recently I found that I was sharing mostly business information and content.  I wanted a place to share that content appropriately.  So I very recently started a new personality page.  This forced me to overcome the mean little voice in my head that whispers “Who do you think you are?”  I did it anyway!  Please check out that page and let’s engage!

A New Book:  You will be seeing information very soon on the new book I am working on now.  I hope to have it announced in the next month or so.  It will be a leap for sure…as all books are.  This is just a quick teaser, but please check that out as it gets ready.  I am excited about this project, but again, it’s a leap!

Thanks to Seth Godin for continually inspiring me to Leap!

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