Just Be Grateful

by | Oct 27, 2014

Want to have a better day today?  Just be grateful.

It is so easy to get caught in the minor minutia of life that we sometimes forget all the good things we have.  We spend time “majoring in minor things.”  But when we take just a few minutes to really look around, we understand how much we have. 

Do we have bad days?  Of course.  But most of our lives are in better shape than we allow ourselves to believe.  Want to feel better about today?  Do these simple steps.

1)  Take just a moment today to consider some of things for which you are grateful. 
2)  Think about a person who helped that happen.
3)  Send that person a note, give them a call or send them a card to let them know you appreciate them.

This will not only make them feel fantastic, it will make you feel fantastic too! 

Now do it again tomorrow.


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