Leading with Who…or Why

by | May 16, 2014

As business owners, entreprenuers and marketers, we are usually very good at telling people “what” we (as a company) do.  Often we will even spend a great deal of time telling them “how” we do it.  We will drone on for hours about the widgets we create, the processes that we have, the stuff we sell. 

The problem with that is, no one cares.

As customers, we don’t gravitate toward the “what” message.  Now don’t get me wrong.  Of course you have to have the right “what” in order for me to have the need to buy from you.  The challenge is, most likely there are other companies that have the same “what.”  The same is true for the “how” message. 

Customers gravitate toward another message.

Simon Sinek has a powerful book called Start With Why that explains (in detail) the power of the “Why” message.  The concept is simple, customers are much more attracted to the real meaning behind the company.  And if the truly understand and value your “why” message, then they will be much more loyal and powerful customers. 

I think that is becoming true about you “who” message as well.  Increasingly, customers are interested in who you are as a company.  What do you stand for?  Do you have a cause? 

Who are you?  Why do you exist?

If you truly know that answer (beyond making money) great.  Do your customers know?


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