Let’s Help Jennie Eberz

by | Jun 25, 2022

jennie eberz needs help

People often say that “business is about people.  We do business with people that we know, like, and trust.”

And I believe that is true.  Even in a world where there are more marketing messages than ever before, we long for real connections.  We want our brands to “get us” and we long for them to be “authentic.”

We want to know them, like them, and trust them.  Because business really is about people.  Organizations are made up of individuals.  And often, these are wonderful individuals going through challenging times.

This is true right now about Jennie Eberz.

Jennie Eberz is a multi-line rep in the Promotional Products industry.  She is a board member of OPPA.  She is kind, and fun, and giving.  And she is going through an incredibly challenging health issue with her liver.  She needs a liver transplant.  So her father Joe has started a GoFundMe page to try and raise $50,000.

The response so far has been very good…but they are not where they need to be yet.

So what can you do?  Well as I said earlier, business is about people.  Actually, it’s about people helping people.  So is life.  So I would encourage you to head to the GoFundMe page and learn a bit about Jennie.

And if you can, please consider donating.

Let’s use these social media and content tools to be better humans.  Consider helping my friend Jennie Eberz by going here and donating.


Get a copy of my best-selling book “The Give First Economy” for FREE here.  Thanks for reading!  Learn more about Hasseman Marketing (and how we might be able to help you) here.


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