Life Is Choices

by | May 19, 2016


I tell my kids all the time that life is about choices.  In my best parenting voice I said “If you make good choices, you will have a good life.”  Of course I remind them that the opposite is true.  I think we forget that as adults though.  We think that advice is for the teenagers.  But life is still about choices.  Listen to the Delivering Marketing Joy Podcast here.

Are you happy with the life you have created?  Make no mistake.  You have created it.  You have created the life you have by the choices you have made.  If you are happy, great!  You win.  But way too many people are loudly complaining about how unhappy they are with their life.  If you don’t like your life, I have some good and bad news for you.

Bad news:  Your life is your fault.

Good news:  It’s up to you to change.

If you are unhappy with your job, what are you doing to find another job?  Are you spending time to create a business so you don’t have to work for someone else?  Or do you put in your time only to come home and watch Netflix and veg out in front of the TV?  If you spend all your time watching TV or playing video games, that’s totally cool.  But just don’t complain that you don’t have time to create the life you want.

“If you really want something you will find a way.  If not, you will find an excuse.”

Consider this your tough love today.  Want to increase sales?  Go make more calls.  Want to write a book?  Spend time writing every day.  Want to make a difference in your community?  Start cleaning up trash along the highway.  Whatever.

But don’t wait for someone to give you permission.  Your life is up to you.  Stop complaining and go get it.

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