Looking for input

by | Jun 21, 2016


Sometimes we can all get so busy working toward a goal that we fail to consider “is it working?”  Or even “is it the right goal?”  I remember so clearly taking a class on 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and hearing the quote “Some people work their whole lives to climb the corporate ladder.  When they get to the top they realize the ladder was leaning against the wrong wall.”

That quote totally hit me.  I quit my job within the next two weeks.

I say this because I have brought my head up after 6 months of “content creation” and I want to make sure I am on the right track.  As you may know, I create a great deal of content.

We have the Delivering Marketing Joy Web show where I interview someone from around the business world every week.  Latest episode is here

I also create a Weekly Word where I have a short burst of personal development each week.  The latest can be found here.

We also have this blog, I do a post with Bill Petrie for PromoKitchen called Salt and Pepper, and have recently started doing a new monthly series with my lovely bride called “He Said/She Said.” 

Finally, at the beginning of this year I started doing a Podcast every business day.  I did this religiously for nearly 6 months until I looked up to take a breath a week or so ago.   I felt like a had some people listening to the podcast.  But does anyone care?  Was I providing real value?  As Seth Godin said, “If you want to be remarkable, you need someone to remark about it.”

So that is what I would love from you…input.

Did you listen to the podcast?

If so, how often did you listen?

Was the length right?

How did you feel about the topics?

What could make it better?

Is it worth doing at all?

Please don’t pull punches.  I need some honest feedback here to decide if (or how) I want to proceed.  Thanks in advance.

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