Love It When A Plan Comes Together

by | Jun 16, 2014

I was looking through the channels the other day and saw a re-run of the old A-Team series.  It was a hilarious collection of cheesy dialogue and silly explosions.  Great 80’s entertainment.  Of course the end of the show always has Hannibal (with a big stogey in his mouth) say “I love it when a plan comes together!”

I am reminded of that line this morning because it’s a big week in Coshocton County.  Today, the Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure (GOBA) comes pedaling into town and will be here for the next few days.  Then, this weekend, we will be host to an awesome adventure race called the Indian Mud Run.  Both events are the result of countless hours of work behind the scenes.  Both events are great examples of what can be done to positively impact the community…by volunteers. 

So please enjoy the events.  Please welcome the bikers.  Please join us and get muddy at the Indian Mud Run.  The more the merrier!

Thanks so much to all the volunteers that have made it happen.  I love it when a plan comes together!


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