Make Sure the Vision and Values Align

by | May 10, 2016


If you want to make sure you give your project, business, event or organization the best chance for success, then make sure the Vision and Values are aligned.  This is a lesson from my new book “Fan of Happy” which you can buy on Amazon.  Learn more on the DMJ Podcast today!

I was in a meeting the other day with a small group of people working on an event fundraiser.  The event is big, fun and raises money for a great cause for my community.  I really enjoy these types of meetings, most of the time, but this one was a struggle.

It seemed like every agenda point was an argument.  No matter the discussion point, one group wanted to move in one direction, and the other group wanted to move another.  It seemed like the whole meeting was in tension.  I couldn’t figure it out.  We all wanted to create this event, why were we arguing?

Then it hit me;  our VISION for the event was totally different.

When Vision and Values don’t align, the entire event, or organization, becomes a struggle.  You have one group working diligently in one direction while another might be pulling the rope in another.  Maybe this seems obvious, but sometimes it’s hard to see.  You just think the other group is trying to undermine you.  It disguises itself as politics, or worse, incompetence.

When you understand this is happening there are only a few things you can do.

1.  Huddle up: Get the team together and put it out in the open.  Try and get the vision and values to align.  When you point out the different goals, you might even have an “aha” moment.  Often the team doesn’t know they are working against each other.

2.  Redefine the Vision:  Once you get everyone at the table, agree to what the new vision should be!  Work toward that.

3.  Reframe the Group:  Sometimes the vision can’t be aligned.  When that happens, it’s better to allow people to (respectfully) leave the group. Then the group can get together and chase the goal they all have in common!

Get the group on the same path of Vision and Values and you might create a real winner!

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