My New Book “Fan of Happy!”

by | Apr 28, 2016

fan of happy kirby

Here is the press release about my new book “Fan of Happy!”  I am extremely excited about this new project.  So learn a bit more about it below.


(Coshocton, OH)—Kirby Hasseman, owner of Hasseman Marketing, has released a new book called “Fan of Happy, Life Lessons for my daughters…and yours.” The new book, which is available now on Amazon, is filled with life lessons he compiled for his daughters.

“We all have lessons we want to pass on to our kids,” says Hasseman. “But they are not always interested in hearing them. So I started writing them down. As I started looking at the list, I thought that this might be of interest to most people.”

Created from the perspective of a father to his teenage daughters, A Fan of Happy is a book that you will want to read and share with everyone in your life…or even at your company. It’s personal development for any time of our life.

“I am really excited to share these ideas with my daughters.  But I will also share this book with my employees, sales team members and customers. My hope is that is provides value to all of them,” says Hasseman.

This is Hasseman’s 4th book and it is available in paperback and eBook. For more information about the book or to order go to this link: Fan of Happy!

His most recent book called “Delivering Marketing Joy” is about how to use promotional products better in business. Delivering Marketing Joy is available for sale on Amazon in both a paperback and Kindle edition at

For more information on the book or on hiring Kirby to speak for your organization or event, go to

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