New Body Wash Bottle

by | Feb 26, 2015

Yesterday I ran out of body wash in the shower.  No worries, I didn’t stink all day (I don’t think).  But I did squeeze out the very last of the soap.  It was totally gone. 

So what did I do?  I set it down never to think about it again. 

This morning when I got in my shower, there was a new bottle of body wash (just for me) in the shower.  I had told no one.  I had sent no emails, smoke signals, texts or snapchats.  It just appeared.

My Amy did that.

It’s simple acts of love and kindness that remind me each day how lucky I am to have Amy in my life.  Sure, the grand gestures and big deeds are nice.  But in a day to day world, where the hectic negativity can drag you down, it’s these simple acts that make life great. 

But ironically these are the things we often forget to recognize. 

So thanks Amy D.  Love you!


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