Now That We Are Here

by | Oct 20, 2020

now that we are here

It seems to me that there have been two types of people during this pandemic.  We will call them the “wait and see” group and the “now that we are here” group.  I talked about it here.

The “wait and see” group have (for the most part) decided to hunker down during this time.  They decided early on that “when this was all over” that life would get back to normal.  So they would just wait until that “normal” would return.  And to be fair, this could have seemed like a sound strategy when we thought this might take a few weeks to get through.  Spoiler alert: it’s been more than a few weeks.

The other group is the “now that we are here” group.  This group (maybe after a short mental break) decided that they could use this break for something productive.  They could learn a new skill, or start a new side hustle.  Some people took an online course and others started a new part of their business.  This group looked around and decided that “now that we are here” I might as well make the most of it.

This is a judgement free zone.  While I understand both methods of dealing with this strange time, I have noticed something recently.

The “now that we are here” group seems happier.

As I look at the people I interact with on a daily basis, the people that have tried something new or gained a new skill seem more content.  This is hardly a scientific study…just my observation.  But the people that have waited around for the world to get “back to normal” seem really frustrated.

Don’t get me wrong.  Nearly every person I know would like to get back to a world where we can travel and have more human interaction.  But those that have simply waited, seem more anxious.  It’s like they have been duped (by leadership or themselves) that if they were just patient they could get back to their lives.  We know that has not happened…and some days it’s hard to imagine “normal.”

While this can be frustrating (and trust me it is), it points to the idea that you can affect your own situation.

What is something new that you can do?  Is there a new class you can take or a skill you have always wanted to learn?  We live in a time where you can learn almost anything by heading to Youtube.  If you want to invest just a little money, head to…there are classes in just about anything there.  Now might be the time to start that new workout regemine or to begin recording that podcast.  Whatever the skill, project or business, now might be the perfect time to start it.

Sure it will fill the time.  But it also might give you a purpose to help you be more productive and more happy.

Oh…and as I wrote this I realize this is exactly what Carol Dwek was talking about in her amazing book Mindset.  Maybe the project you can start is to read that.  Enjoy.


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